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Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

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Laura Gomez, Founder & CEO, Atipica

“Always ask, when you’re using a tool with AI, ‘Who’s the founder, who’s the data scientist?’” advises Atipica CEO and co-founder Laura Gomez in an interview she did for VMWare earlier this year.

Concerned with the ways that AI and machine learning often reveal biases against already marginalized groups, Gomez created a platform that uses those same tools to remove rather than exacerbate bias in the hiring process. Atipica offers companies applicant tracking and recruitment tools, visual diversity dashboards, and a way to automatically re-surface applicants from underrepresented backgrounds.

Gomez is a founding member of Project Include, a non-profit that aims to accelerate diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. She was recently named one of the Frederick Douglass 200 (the project honors the impact of 200 living individuals who best embody the work and spirit of Douglass) and she is a member of the FWD.us Innovation Council, the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, and of Code.org’s Diversity Council.

This appearance by Laura Gomez is part of the Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders series. Join us live as we bring founders, investors and industry influencers to center stage and invite them to share what it takes to become a disruptor.

Laura Gomez

When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 4:30 - 5:20 pm

Where: NVIDIA Auditorium, Stanford University (In-Person Speaker)

Audience: General Public

Admission: Free

Type of Event: Lecture