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Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

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Toby Corey, Lecturer, Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University

Join us for a conversation with Toby Corey, a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded several influential companies, including USWeb Corporation and Intend Change, and has also served in senior management roles at companies including SolarCity and Tesla. Corey is the president of global field operations at PlanGrid, which provides mobile software tools to the construction industry, and is the founder of Zentrepreneur.Life, a community of innovators centered on 22 ethical principles that integrate creativity and ambition with social and environmental consciousness.

Corey earned a BS in computer science at Southern Connecticut State University and is a lecturer in Stanford University’s Department of Management Science & Engineering.

The Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Series is supported by the venture capital firm DFJ.

Toby Corey

When: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 4:30 - 5:20 pm

Where: NVIDIA Auditorium, Stanford University (In-Person Speaker)

Audience: General Public

Admission: Free

Type of Event: Lecture