Startups may want to downplay the free food, beer and haircuts and start hiring and treating workers like the adults they need to thrive long term, according to acclaimed leadership consultant Patty McCord. In this episode, the former chief talent officer of Netflix speaks bluntly with host Bob Sutton about how backstabbing, passive-aggressive behavior and overall coddling of employees are all bad for businesses — and how actual grown-ups can hear and handle the truth, even when they disagree.
Lisa Alderson,
Genome Medical
Dare to Stretch Your Boundaries [Entire Talk]
Get out of your comfort zone and learn to be adaptable. Breakthroughs don't come from doing what you've always done.
56 minutes
Lisa Alderson,
Genome Medical
Dare to Stretch Your Boundaries [Entire Talk]
Get out of your comfort zone and learn to be adaptable. Breakthroughs don't come from doing what you've always done.
Gabriel Parisi-Amon,
Nebia Shower
A Burnout Manifesto [Entire Talk]
Allow yourself to pause work so you can reflect and decompress. The source of protection from burnout is grounded in your values.
53 minutes
Gabriel Parisi-Amon,
Nebia Shower
A Burnout Manifesto [Entire Talk]
Allow yourself to pause work so you can reflect and decompress. The source of protection from burnout is grounded in your values.
Tracy Chou,
Project Include
Debugging the Brogrammer Culture [Entire Talk]
Constantly ask yourself, 'Who's not in the room?" Championing diversity in tech will result in a more inclusive culture and better products.
57 minutes
Tracy Chou,
Project Include
Debugging the Brogrammer Culture [Entire Talk]
Constantly ask yourself, 'Who's not in the room?" Championing diversity in tech will result in a more inclusive culture and better products.