Many startups, observes Harvard Business School professor Tom Eisenmann, fail because they misapply lean startup principles and launch too quickly. In particular, he finds, in an effort to be efficient and proactive, they skip the crucial “customer discovery” phase of lean startup. Even a short period of deep customer discovery and idea generation, he finds, can help founders truly validate the potential market for their products and avoid “false starts.”
Alexandra Zatarain,
Eight Sleep
Getting to Product-Market Fit [Entire Talk]
Product-market fit is a journey. Knowing your audience and mission will help you on your way.
50 minutes
Alexandra Zatarain,
Eight Sleep
Getting to Product-Market Fit [Entire Talk]
Product-market fit is a journey. Knowing your audience and mission will help you on your way.
Maria Barrera,
Mental Health Tech, Mentally Healthy Startups [Entire Talk]
Startups can address important mental health problems, but maintaining mental health in startup culture is challenging.
49 minutes
Maria Barrera,
Mental Health Tech, Mentally Healthy Startups [Entire Talk]
Startups can address important mental health problems, but maintaining mental health in startup culture is challenging.
David Allemann,
Exploration in Sports Technology [Entire Talk]
Taking a risk on an innovative idea can be the spark of a global company.
50 minutes
David Allemann,
Exploration in Sports Technology [Entire Talk]
Taking a risk on an innovative idea can be the spark of a global company.