Flucas Ventures founder and general partner Ashley Flucas explains that one of her key filters when vetting potential investments involves focusing on distribution and go-to-market strategy. There can be a danger, she finds, in getting too obsessed about the product itself, and argues that distribution channels might give you a better sense of the product’s true ability to scale. Also, she finds, focusing on distribution-related metrics allows her to pursue investments even in cases where she may not have a deep technical understanding of the product.
Alexandra Zatarain,
Eight Sleep
Getting to Product-Market Fit [Entire Talk]
Product-market fit is a journey. Knowing your audience and mission will help you on your way.
50 minutes
Alexandra Zatarain,
Eight Sleep
Getting to Product-Market Fit [Entire Talk]
Product-market fit is a journey. Knowing your audience and mission will help you on your way.
Maria Barrera,
Mental Health Tech, Mentally Healthy Startups [Entire Talk]
Startups can address important mental health problems, but maintaining mental health in startup culture is challenging.
49 minutes
Maria Barrera,
Mental Health Tech, Mentally Healthy Startups [Entire Talk]
Startups can address important mental health problems, but maintaining mental health in startup culture is challenging.
David Allemann,
Exploration in Sports Technology [Entire Talk]
Taking a risk on an innovative idea can be the spark of a global company.
50 minutes
David Allemann,
Exploration in Sports Technology [Entire Talk]
Taking a risk on an innovative idea can be the spark of a global company.